Can you track key environmental metrics at any level across your organization, including system generated metrics and those maintained outside the system and manually inputted? Can you track the key metrics for any calendar or fiscal period? Can you track your organization’s target metrics and the actual results?
Can you easily track spill events and other environmental incidents? Can you identify the root cause of why an incident occurred to prevent it from happening again?
Proactive risk assessment:
Can you track, make sense of, and act on leading indicators? Do you have easily accessible matrices that quickly identify your risk levels? Can you use the data to develop proactive programs that reduce, or even eliminate, environmental hazards in the first place?
Task management:
Is it difficult for you to track regulatory permit requirements, to assign worksite assessments, and corrective actions to employees, supervisors, and environmental colleagues? Is it difficult or time consuming to follow up on the status of these tasks? Can you run reports that summarize where each of these tasks are in the process, who’s doing what, what’s due when, and if you’re on track?
Find out how Medgate Environmental Software can help you with these challenges.
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